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Friends of Raven + Lily: Meet Madison and Angel

Friends of Raven + Lily: Meet Madison and Angel

Sharing a creative partnership both on and off set, the Austin-based model Angel Jade and photographer Madison Lloyd felt an instant connection when they were introduced through a mutual friend. 

‘Being able to work with the person I love has been the most beautiful journey and a tremendous honor,’ says Angel, who you may recognize as the face of Raven + Lily. Together with her photographer partner Madison, the couple brought a magnetic energy to our S21 campaign images. ‘I’m so grateful every time we have an opportunity to work with Raven + Lily,’ says Madison. ‘We have such a beautiful and organic relationship and I think I’ve grown as a photographer through our collaborations.’

When they’re not on location for us in our collective hometown of Austin, Angel and Madison are busy making their own art. Angel is studying acting and oil painting, a restorative process that she tells us ‘has the power to clear my mind almost instantly.’ Madison’s first exhibition is currently on display at Central Machine Works and will be followed by his debut photobook. ‘My creative approach is to not take myself too seriously. I just allow my imagination to run wild,’ he says.

Keen to find out more about their unique partnership, we asked the duo to share their creative inspirations and intentions.

‘Our working relationship is very emotional. We're both passionate people and we’re passionate about each other. Even though we butt heads a lot, once we put them together we’re able to create something amazing’ – Madison


‘I try to allow the work to speak for itself. I am a very emotional person and a lot of what I do focuses on how an image can make you feel. Sharing my emotions and personal stories with as many people as I can reach is important to me’ - Angel

‘I'm inspired by music, people, and natural environments. Music helps me dream and envision my ideas; people keep me observant – they’re unpredictable and that inspires me because it makes me curious; natural environments bring me down to earth and create a field of interaction I’m not usually comfortable with. Being uncomfortable is what drives me and stimulates my mind’ – Madison

‘Human connection inspires me the most. Our connection to each other as well as our connection to places, things and nature. Nature and the changing sun has been a prominent influence lately; the light the sun gifts us, and all the shapes and shadows that bring depth to our surroundings that might not have otherwise existed’ – Angel


‘We both really love nature and the environment here in Austin. Being able to bike just about anywhere, go swimming in natural springs, and hiking helps keeps us inspired and relaxed. Working here is great as well, we love the close-knit community and getting to work with familiar faces all the time’ – Madison


‘My favorite collaboration with Raven + Lily was one of the first editorials that Madison shot and I modeled for. We were staying in Bastrop at the time and the pandemic had just hit. We hadn’t seen another soul for weeks and we had an opportunity to utilize our beautiful natural surroundings’ – Angel

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